New Years in...

It was Red Deer again this year!

So many plans changed this holiday season, and I've said before I am a creature of habit and once an idea gets in my head I don't like it to change.  Plan one was to go to Saskatoon and Prince Albert for New Years.  That changed.  Plan two was to go anywhere in the Central Alberta region as a family.  That changed.  Plan 3 was to have an adults only night at our friend's place.  That stuck.

So we dropped off the kids after a day of renovating and painting.  We got ready then we headed out to spend the evening with some friends.  Visiting and playing games were on the schedule.

It was a fun evening.  There were many laughs and I got to ring in the New Year with Adrian, which I haven't done in three years.

I am not a big New Years Eve fan, I have always found it doesn't live up to the expectation.  But really pinning all your hopes and dreams that things will be different on one night because someone long ago decided it was the time to start a new calendar year, well that is a lot for any one day to hold.  But the past few New Years have been low key, and I've enjoyed them immensely.  It's great being able to spend time with good friends while having snacks and drinks and visiting.

How do you like to spend your New Year's Eve?

Leave me a comment below, and Share on Social Media!!! 


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