A Day in the life of Jenn

 Hi welcome to my life's commotion! Things are always busy and life is always happening! 
I'm late, I'm late but not really, here is what a typical day in my house looks like.
5:50 Alarm goes off, reach for phone check out the social media  (this is something I am hoping to eliminate but it is still happening)
6:15 get out of bed and head to the bathroom. This is where I wash up, do my hair, do my make up and get dressed.
6:30 leave bathroom mid getting ready to wake up Lil Man so he can go have his breakfast and start getting ready.
6:35 return to bathroom to finish getting ready.
6:45 head downstairs to make my Arbonne Smoothie.  Right now it's a Vanilla Chia Smoothie and it's delicious!
6:50 wake up Prince T if he isn't already awake, get him some breakfast that he won't eat but at least I provide it. \/O\/
7:15 say good bye to Husband as he leaves for work, finish getting boys ready to go.
7:30-7:45 head out the door to go drop off Prince T at daycare and Lil Man and I head to work.
7:45-8:20 prep work at school for the day, make sure lesson plans are ready classroom is set up and I feel prepared for the day.
8:20-8:30 Take Lil Man to meet friends so he can walk to school.
8:35-11:50 morning school classes
11:50-12:40 Supervision, meetings, and lunch
12:40-3:14 Afternoon school classes
3:30-4:00 leave the school, making sure everything is cleaned up, put away and ready to go for the next day.
4:30 home with children, we make supper and wait for Husband to get home.
5:15 Supper time with family.
6:00 Bath time for boys, French reading for Lil Man while Prince T has bath
6:30 storytime and bedtime snack for Prince T
7:00 Cuddles for Prince T, Storytime and Bedtime Snack time for Lil Man
7:30 Cuddles for lil man
8:00 bath for me
9:00 writing/ school work/ watching TV
9:50 bedtime.

How is your day divided? 

Thanks for reading, leave a comment, share this post  or just have a fabulous day!!


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