Day in the Life Friday Five

Today is another Friday Five Link Up with the wonderful ladies Mar, Cynthia and Courtney!! Check out their blogs for some great reads!! So happy I found this link up!!

It's hard for me to chronicle my days, because at this moment in time they are never exactly the same. Some I send the kids to school and relish in the silence, some Lil man is home and we are constantly on the go doing one activity or another.  Some days are weekends, everyone is home and we've got playdates and sports and activities planned.

That being said, there are things I do every day, regardless of what's actually going on, they are routine and they are my favourite parts of everyday.

1) Waking up and checking my phone.  I check my phone for weather, for texts, for emails and sometimes twitter and Instagram.  I love rolling over and checking my phone before I roll out of bed, it's a way to make human connection.  It's dumb, but it's not, I also check my calendar to make sure I'm not missing any activities for the day, it definitely gets my head wrapped around what kind of day it's going to be.

2) Reading something, a blog, a novel, a children's book.  Sometime in the morning I always get time to read.  I love reading and I love that my boys love to be read to.  I also love the Lil Man is starting to try to read stories on his own.

3) Watching one of my PVR's shows. I have many shows I tape during the week.  They range from HGTV shows, to shows on the Women's network, to network shows to cable shows.  I record so many shows in a week, I'd say 20 hours or television easily.  And each day I get to sit down and watch at least one show of mine without interruption.  At night I can watch more, before I fall asleep but I'm usually watching something on Netflix for that, my PVR'd shows are not shows I want to fall asleep watching.

4) Writing.  I have booked it into my day, at least 30 minutes of writing each day.  Whether's it writing up some blogs, or working on my novel, I write for 30 minutes a day. I am also starting to write more on my creative writing blog Imagination Destination to have some blogs written by my characters to compliment my first novel.  For me it's a way to get readers interested in the novel.

5) Bathtime!! And I don't mean for my kids!! I love to have baths and I will have one every night, if time allows, sometimes I have to settle for a shower, but carving out time for me to have a bath is a luxury that my family allows me.

In amongst all the things that happen, I take time to Exercise each day, and there are always times for cuddling with my boys each day.  It's a glorious life and I'm going to enjoy my last two months of Maternity leave because when I get back to work and great portion of my day will be dedicated to working outside the home..... sigh, but at least I love my job!


  1. Sounds like a great day. I always read at night, after I get in bed. It's my way to unwind and relax. I love baths too, but the house we're in has one bathtub, and it's too small for me to really relax in, since I cannot stretch all the way out. I miss long soaking baths.

  2. I love bath time as well. It's great coming home from a long run and taking a hot Epsom salt bath with a glass of wine and a book. -L

  3. Lovely! I need more reading and writing time without kids interrupting me. Thanks for linking up with us!

  4. i don't have cable anymore but still love watching hgtv shows on netflix :)


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