Friday Five {Spring}

I'm liking up with the DC Trifecta girls, Mar, Courtney and Cynthia once again!! Have you been reading my Friday Fives?  Would you like to join, just head over to here and read more about, I'd love to have more blogs to read!!

Today's topic is Spring, my second most favourite season!! Although sometimes living in Alberta we call it messy winter, but I still love it anyways.

Here are my top Five things that I am looking forward to this spring!!

1) My Baby's FIRST birthday!! I am amazed at how fast this year has gone by. I mean he's 10 months already and in two more months he will be a year, a WHOLE year!! It means I am going back to work soon, but my baby will be one and he's such a delightful little guy!! We aren't really planning anything big, but we are doing family pictures and a cake smash for him! He's my baby and my last baby too, so I am relishing these last first milestones!!

2) Running outside, in the morning!! I am a self proclaimed morning person, I love being awake early and I love working out in the morning. It always set my day on the right track!  Get those endorphins moving right, so I am super stoked to be able to start running in the morning. With the raising temperatures and sun rising earlier and earlier just means that my running is going to be getting better and better!! Plus it will be nice to start building my runs into my routine of the day having an actual time that my runs happen as opposed to a just whenever, which in the winter this is what usually happens.

3) Puddles, puddles and more puddles. I have a secret love of Puddles. I love splashing in them, playing in them and watching them grow and shrink. I especially love spring puddles because that means winter is OVER, and Summer will be here SOON!! I don't tell my kids about my love of puddle jumping, at least not verbally, but I'm not really that parent that ever stops my kids from jumping in the puddles.

4) Going back to work.  Yup I'm that girl.  I love my kids, I love the time I get to spend with them, but I also love working. I've been working since I was 16 years old, now except for the 2 1/2 years I've been off for my maternity leaves I've always had a job. I LOVE working, I don't always love my job, but I do LOVE my current job and I'm excited to get back to it!!

5) The regrowth of all things green!!! I enjoy watching the leaves turn colours in the fall, but I love watching things go from ugly brown to green. Watching new grass poke it's way up from the matted down grass of the fall, flowers bursting through the snow, and I think it's going to be amazing with my runs that I'll be able to notice all the small changes!! There is just something so beautiful about spring each year, even if you have to look past the dirty, muddy roads and yucky snow banks that try to hang around for EVER!!!

What are you most excited about for Spring? What is your favourite season?


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