Masters Degree

In September of 2011 I began working for Parkland CLASS as a front line worker.  It was something I did part time while I was subbing but felt that I needed to be making some kind of guaranteed income, so it was a new venture. My friend Stacey was a supervisor with the company and said I should try it.  I was really very hesitant about it, I mean it took me three months or more to finally get all signed up.  

I started working every other weekend in one of the children's homes.  I was very green but the supervisor and staffing team were very good to me.  I pulled my weight and I worked to do whatever was needed of me. I was not a fan of personal care, I don't like changing my own kids diapers so changing diapers or toileting people was not the draw to the job, and really the pay wasn't the draw either, but I always left feeling I had made a contribution to someone's life that left them better than when I had come.  

As this was going on I became disillusioned with teaching.  I needed full time work, not part time work and subbing was not cutting it anymore.  So a position opened in an adult home that had me working evenings so I was still able to work as a sub but I could have a steady income coming in.  If subbing had picked up I might not have pursued the supervisor position, but in 2012 I only worked 4 days in January and that was not enough to make ends meet so I made a decision, I would become a supervisor for Parkland CLASS.

I began as a supervisor in February.  I really liked what I was doing and I was back in the first home I worked at, so I was comfortable with the this new venture.  It was a great job, but I was a little bored, ok, I was really bored, there was lot's to do, but I was able to complete it all and I had plenty of time on my hands and I didn't feel challenged.  So I noticed that a Coordinator Position became available and thought well this might be something to consider so I applied for that position.

April first was my first day as a coordinator.  It's been busy and challenging.  Things are always interesting, but I feel like I am thriving. Sometimes things get a bit stressful, but I love the problem solving aspect of this job. My mind is always thinking of solutions, trying to develop my leadership skills and I am happy, very happy.  

I see myself wanting to go further in this field and even with this company but I would like to have more training and education.  I have always wanted to get my masters and possibly another degree but I  have not ever decided what I wanted to do or what I wanted to study.  So I put in some more time to think about what I wanted to do, every time I think about this stuff it leads me back to the same field.

Counseling!  It's always been something I have been very interested in. My Ed Psych classes were my favourite classes it was the path I wanted to go down when I first moved to Alberta but the timing was never right.  Now it's not so much psychology or educational psychology but counseling and maybe I will specialize in a specific counseling or maybe I will just be a generalist, but I know this is what I want to accomplish in the next two years.  

I have even looked online for some classes or courses to start this path and I think I may try the University of Athabasca for their Baccacellerate  Degree in Counseling, which is like a beginners look at the Master's Program, which since I have been out of school for 10 years now might be the perfect place to start. I am really happy about making this decision, now just to make a plan of action so I can have the finances to do this!!


  1. Good for you Jenn, I think you will do great things


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