30 Day Challenge Day 3
Your favorite television program
I can't pick just one. I was really trying to pick just one, but I can't limit my choices. If I had been asked this question four years ago, I would have been quick to provide an answer, Friends. Friends is still one of my favourites and I have all ten seasons on DVD, but there are have been a few new shows that have caught my attention in recent years and they aren't edging Friends out, but they are making Friends balance on the top to share that pedestal.
My new favourite comedy is Big Bang Theory. I think those guys are hilarious!! The comedic timing and dry sense of humour is very indicative of the type of humour I most enjoy. I really hope this series stays around for the long haul.
I used to love CSI, and I still like it, but in the drama department Criminal Minds and Grey's Anatomy would be in top spot. I enjoy the story lines and the mystery that is in every Criminal Minds is great. When I was in High School I read books by Patricia Cornwall (still do) and her stories incorporated the BAU and I really wanted to be a profiler. I thought it would be an interesting career. I still think it would be interesting but the stress surrounding that job would be too much for me.
Reality Television is so big right now that almost every other show on Network television is a reality series and most shows on cable networks are reality series. For the most part I am not a fan, I find many of the reality tv shows to be contrived and not entertaining at all. But, well those who know me know, I love Survivor and Big Brother. They are my reality television fixes. I have also become partial to Gene Simmons Family Jewels.
So I may watch a lot of television, but I am trying to cut down, I have not begun watching many new series because I know I am busy with the series I have and I can't give up any more time. But we will see what the future holds. May have to cut down my cable for a bit, just to break this trend for awhile.
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