Welcome to 2015

Some of you may have noticed that my blog changed it's web address, or maybe you didn't, that would be very sad if you didn't because then you aren't reading this.  Hopefully, I will find you, and you can follow this new web address.  I just felt I wanted something different I just didn't want to start another new blog. I actually have 4, have I mentioned this?  Anyways the old address was jennspositiveprofile.blogspot.com and the new address is lifescommotion.blogspot.ca.

I've got some great posts coming out in January!! Lot's on goal setting, lot's on weight and exercise management. We are going to talk (meaning I will tell you) about setting up a home gym and the best things to include in it. We will discuss running and learning to love it, even in the dead of winter.  We will talk about some meal tracking, metabolism boosting ideas and we will also talk money.

I'm definitely going to chronicle my journey and hopefully you will find some enlightening tidbits that will help you in your journey. Maybe my sharing will cause a commotion in your own life, to change for better or worse. If you aren't changing you are dying.

Better run!!! Gotta get these blogs ready to go!!!


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