The Holiday Train

I swear sometimes I think I live under a rock, like seriously!! There is a thing called the Holiday Train that CP Rail sends across Canada every December. It stops in various towns and cities along the way and raises donations for the Food Bank.  It's done up in lights and has a band, like it's a big to do, and this is there first year I've ever heard about it let alone gone to it.

It was a cool day, but we took the kids down to the CP Rail yard to see the train. We brought a donation for the food bank and then the kids got to walk beside the train. It arrived in Red Deer in the middle of the day around lunch time so the lights weren't very impressive.
I'm sure seeing it at night would be way more enthralling for the kids, but they were still pretty excited to see the train up close.

The band that played on the train this year was the same band that does the Corner Gas theme song.  I didn't recognize them until they played that song, and it's been some time since I'd seen an episode of Corner Gas I didn't automatically pick up on the song.  They did pretty well and the kids enjoyed singing along when they did the Christmas Carols!!

The only pitfall to this day was the parking and traffic!!
OMGEEEE it was terrible!! We parked half a block away but there were some big traffic jams on Edgar Industrial Road that day!!  People are not smart and they parked in the most ridiculous places making it impossible for the industrial vehicles to make it through. Eventually, the RCMP came by to direct traffic and to stop more people from going into the bottle neck that had been created.  We left early to avoid the departing traffic!!

It wasn't  cold day so we also took the kids to the park to play and play they did for like 2 hours!! It was a nice afternoon!!


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