Week One is Off to a rough start

Does anyone else feel absolutely drained in January?  Like in your head you are ready to do all these great things and get the year jump started into something AMAZING, but your body is like "nope, let's sit this out for awhile."

That's me, as December rolls to an end I'm already with goals and resolutions and I've plans to get things done. I work out a schedule to allow me time to do all the things I want to do, balancing all the things I need to do with all the wants in my life. And on paper it looks GREAT, absolutely do-able and then January 2 rolls around. (Let's be honest January 1 is a write off for most people)

As of January 2, it's like all the adrenaline that has been coursing through my body to get through the holidays takes a flight down to Cuba, not to be seen again for months.  (ok maybe not that long, but it takes awhile to convince it to come back)  I definitely go into the hum drums in January, I don't want to do anything, I want to sit at home and watch my tv shows, binge watch Netflix, eat bon bons, nap and sleep extra, maybe I'd play video games but that's as motivated as I feel.  January is a horrible time to make New Years Resolutions for me because I'm so exhausted from the holidays that I can't be bothered to do anything. 

So my week one for eating healthy (there are still holiday candies in my house), exercising, (I can't exercise yet, too tired but I did go to soccer on Monday), writing every day (yup took a three hour nap on Tuesday when I could have been writing) isn't going so well at all.  Granted it's three days into the week (as I write this) and I could change it all around tomorrow (I probably won't) but I'm going to say week one is a write off, the first week of the new year is not the time to start, I'm still hung over from the holidays.  I need to treat this hang over and the only way to treat it is with rest and relaxation and maybe some binge watching of Television.  

I'm giving myself a by this week, I'll start on Thursday or Friday but Week two will be so much more motivated because I won't be holiday hung over anymore. And it's ok to be this way, it's ok to take a break, I need to be at my best in my best mindset if I'm going to be able to commit myself to these goals.  

It's ok to have an off week, just don't let it set you back, don't let a little trip wire become an impossible hurdle!!  


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