Six on Saturday Bucket List

Welcome to my new Saturday Series, this will be a series of six things I love, admire, want to accomplish but all will be related to a new topic each Saturday. Today's focus my bucket list, so here are 6 things on my bucket list.

1. Becoming a published author.  I have wanted this since I was in Grade 6 and I am working daily, on this blog to help me get back into writing, I'm also setting up 45 minutes each week in school to do Creative Writing during a flex session with some students.  I figure this way I will commit to it and hopefully it will get me out of my writing slump.

2. Travel to Norway, Denmark and Sweden.  Finland is cool too, but I need to see these three places first.  I'd love to take a train up the coast of Norway seeing all the Fjords and then walk the quaint streets in Copenhagen and take a boat across to Sweden.  I'd rather travel these places in the summer but I'm sure winter would be beautiful too.

3. Travel to Greece, and take a mythology tour. I have been obsessed with Greek Mythology for as long as I can remember and to be able to travel to Greece to see all those amazing sights, the blue waters, white house of Santorini, dreams would be fulfilled.

4. Completing my masters in Educational Leadership.  I used to want to do counselling but not so much anymore, but I think Educational Leadership would be interesting, and not for the purpose of becoming a principal but for the purpose of providing good leadership in my classroom.

5. Become debt free! When I say this, this is obviously a long term goal, but my plan is to be debt free minus a car payment and small visa payment by the end of this year.  Then in the next 5 years work to further reduce my debts so that my only payments are my mortgage and all my extra money can be put away in savings and put towards travelling.  I am really this close to being debt free and it feels amazing!

6. To meet Reese Witherspoon, Ellen, Jennifer Aniston and Oprah.  I admire these women for many reasons and would love to meet them one day!


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