Six on Saturday #2: Six things I just can't toss

I have a few collections in my life and some of them are fairly pointless, while others, they are super important to me.  Not everything I have on this list is part of a collection but some things are.

1. My Carebears.  I love the carebears! They are adorable and cuddly, and I bought a lot in the early 2000s when they were re-released.  Currently, they are in a duffle bag downstairs and will be given out to my future grandchildren or grand nieces/nephews.

2. I have some old jewelry, I NEVER wear it, and it's in a draw of one of my jewelry stands to be taken away and sold, yet I look at it and every time I am like nope, I'll do that later.

3.Hockey cards from when I was a teenager.  And I don't even just mean those hockey cards that might be worth something, I mean all of them, and there are even some baseball cards.  They have moved everywhere with me and I don't even look at them anymore yet I keep them.

4. Old Journals, this one might be normal, but I have so many old journals that I just can't part with, and you'd think I should, I mean I was a bad time journaller.  I tried to journal when things were good, but I didn't feel compelled to do it then, but I really journalled when things in my life were crazy, and I have so many of those journals and I just never re-read them.  I think it's because i sometimes feel stupid about my thoughts and feelings back then.

5. My university notes.Yes from every university class I have ever taken I still have binders of the notes i took in those classes and most of the text books too.  Will I ever teach mythology or American Literature......not likely, but I can't part with them.  Or what about that statistics class I took, am I going to use those skills?  Nope I don't see it happening....but yet I've tried to throw some of it out and i just can't get rid of it.  Sorry kids!

6. Shot glasses. Shot Glasses from all the places I and my friends have travelled.  They sit in the top of my china cabinet and I have never used one for a shot glass but I have about 100 of them.  Some are duplicates, and I can't throw them out.  It's so bizarre!

So those are my things that I can't get rid of! Do you have any things that you irrationally hold on to because "maybe you will use them one day" or "They are meaningful" or "they came from so and so"?

Thanks for reading!


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