Fraudulent Voters?? come on
Three in a week!!! Sorry guys, I know I am not a political pundit, I don't even live in the USA but I am an American and I too want to see America become a great nation but not at the expense of other nations. So Trump has come out to say that he would have won the popular vote except 3-5 million votes were fraudulent votes. Ummm what?? Where is the proof that this happened? There are absolutely no claims that have been brought forward except Trump's. He won the electoral college so the popular vote doesn't even matter. Is Trump's ego that sensitive that he will be a poor winner? As Elsa said "Let it Go!" Seth Meyers commented on his show and said it very succinctly you can watch it here But here's the other side to that. Trump is so SURE that he lost the popular vote because of voter fraud, but, just stick with me for minute, what if the voter fraud helped Trump win the Electoral Vote? With all the controversy around this election and the ...