Friends:New, old and Lapsed

So with it being the festive season and all of us about to embark on many family gatherings, I decided to write a blog about friendship (again!) but in a bit of different mood than previous blogs on friends.

So for many of us, the holidays are a time to spend with various family members and a time to really enjoy your extended family that you don't get to see as often as you would like.  Some of us have HUGE families and have more Christmas celebrations than I would know what to do with.  They really give a true meaning to the 12 days of Christmas.  Some of us have smaller families or families that are geographically separated by many kilometers so our Christmases are less extended but no less special. Some of us won't be spending Christmas with our blood relatives, but with friends that have become family because they rank higher up in our priorities or because they are geographically closer during this celebratory time.  Whatever the reasons for your holiday gatherings I hope they are all fantastic.

To my friends, though I have this to say.  I am happy I have all of you in my life.  I hope you are all spending your holiday as you want to and that you get everything you want for Christmas.

To those friends that I talk to on a regular bases, I will be calling or texting you around the holiday and I hope that you get everything you want for Christmas.

To those friends that I don't actually speak with regularly, know that you are in my thoughts and in my heart during this time of the year.  (Maybe this will be my New Year's resolution, to reconnect with a few friends whom I only talk with online....)

To those friends that it appears our friendship has lapsed, I don't think that all friendships that lapse are a bad thing or a negative reflection on anyone person, I believe that it is just the way things sometimes are. But I still hope things are well for you and that you get your Christmas wish, whatever that is.

I actually started this out thinking I was going to vent about a situation in which I have been cut from a "friends" life since this "friend" has gotten engaged, but I just don't think it matters.  In fact it's that persons loss, not mine.  I wish them well and I hope they are enjoying their life!  Tis the season I guess.


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