Women Crush Wednesday

For February I am going to showcase women who I think are just amazing and that need a little pat on the back for doing such a great job in life and they are inspiring to me.  And as easy as it would be to say Oprah, Ellen, Reese Witherspoon or any other hollywood star I feel these women get enough accolades from the tabloids and other news venues that I'd like to focus on the real women in my life that inspire me daily.

So today I am going to tell you about one of the most influential women in my life. It's an easy one, it's my mom!

My mom is amazing! And I am going to share her story with you, at least from the time that I've known her.

My mom is a divorcee and has been divorced from my father since I was three.  She also has two other children my sister and my brother, and she has spent our life being a single mother to the three of us.

We moved to a small town just before my brother was born, in a time when single mothers and unmarried women weren't really the norm. To be honest, none of my friends in that small town came from divorced families, some now do but when we were young their parents were all together and my mom was the single woman of the town.  But my mom never let the gossip or anything get her down (if she did, she did not let us know).  That's how my mom showed me to be proud of who you are and your choices.  She was strong in the face of people talking behind her back, she knew who she was and she didn't let it be known that it bothered her.

My mom encouraged us to do what it was that we felt a passion for, but she stressed the importance of education.  As a family we valued education, and all three of us children went to post secondary, my mom inspired us to live up to our potential to succeed in education.  We all have careers in our chosen fields.  My mom worked many jobs, but stressed education and she even went back to school when I was in high school.  Education wasn't just something that happened to us, it was something that was important for us to participate in.  I am only hoping I am showing this to my children as well.

My mom is the hardest working person I know. She's always been a hard worker.  She balanced a lot of things, my brother played hockey, my sister and I were in Brownies and Guides, my mom was always involved, but she worked many different jobs.  She did what she had to do to ensure that food was on our table and that we did not miss out on any child memories! It was important! And she's shown me the importance of hard work to get what you want in life, but she also showed us that it wasn't all about work, there has to be a balance!

My mom always showed us that family was of the utmost importance! Nothing came before family, but family wasn't always blood family, family could be those close friends who we chose to keep close.  This also put a value in family for us, and even now I know how important family is, my siblings and I are close, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

I know that everyone says their mom is the best, and they are entitled to that opinion and in their perspective it's the truth and I accept that, but for me, for my experiences and perception, my mom was amazing and she deserves to be celebrated. I am not always the best at celebrating her, and sometimes I am a bit selfish... I know this, but she is amazing and if I could get her to meet her favourite people I would do all I could to have that occur!

So for the first Wednesday my Woman Crush Wednesday candidate is My Mom!!!


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