Blog is all over the place

I really started this blog out with specific purpose in mind, but like most of my writing adventures, my fingers do the talking and lead me to new and interesting areas.  So now I am thinking of starting a third blog, or something.  I don't know what to do.  I have three or four topics that I really enjoy posting on, my family and friends, my personal life and challenges (which I do on my Lifestyle Lift blog), the state of education, and the miscellaneous stuff that interests me, like things that I read in newspapers/ magazines or hear on the radio. 

I know that I could have more readers if my blog stayed more focused.  If I took the time to really focus my writing on one or two broad subjects and went more specific in each blog entry, but I don't know if I would always want to write a blog on those subjects everyday, and if I don't write everyday will that keep my readership down?  So many questions, so many answers floating out there that could help me decipher this but I don't know what to do.

Suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated.  Because I know why many of you would read my blog, but I also am aware that some of my posts will reach different audiences but they don't want to be reading all my blog posts, if they aren't pertinent.


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