New Year's Resolutions

For many years I made resolutions and by the fifteenth of January they were chucked out the window. I find making and sticking to resolutions difficult, especially because they always seem so vague. Lose weight, be happy, find a boyfriend (hahaha), find a job you like etc. So then about five years back I stopped making resolutions. I just said I didn't have any when people asked me what my New Year's resolution was. There was no point making one if I was just going to break it.

Now a new decade has begun and I have (gasp) made a resolution, actually three resolutions for this new year and new decade. I have changed how I have made my resolutions so that they are easier to keep. I find that with anything, details make it easier to stick to something. I mean my resolution could be to lose weight and if I lose two pounds I have experienced success in my resolution but it's not a great success. Resolutions are goals, and when you teach children how to set goals, well you tell them to make sure they obtainable and specific. Make a long term goal, but then create three or four smaller short term goals to help you achieve that long term one. That is the secret to my success in keeping my new years resolutions.

On a side note, resolutions seem to be a way to change negatives into positives. I mean it is society all declaring what they don't like about themselves and then stipulating how they are going to change for the better. Negatives into positives.

My three goals are as follows:
1) I am going to become physically fit by losing 20 pounds.
a) I am going to exercise at least three times a week. two of those times will be going to my cross fit class and once a week on my own with my Wii Fit or Exercise DVDs.
b) I am going to refrain from eating junk food Monday to Friday. Weekends I can indulge but only one day of those weekends.
2) I am going to commit a random act of kindness once a month.
a) find a need a fill it by offering help to someone
b) don't look for those big acts even a small act can do, it is not for recognition just to put some good out into the world.
3) I am going to have a working portfolio to take to publishing houses to get my writing published.
a) I am going to work on my writings for at least ten hours a week. This can be spread over the week or put into one day.
b) I am going to create a support network that will ask me if I have done any writing that week to keep me motivated.
c) I am going to contact publishing companies to find out how to submit my work
d) I am going to contact my local paper about how I could begin to write for them.
So these are my resolutions, I have them broken down and I am hopeful that I will be able to keep them. If I keep these resolutions then I should be closer to my goals in life, that big one of becoming a published author is hanging over my head and I want to reach that goal this year.

Happy resolution keeping to all you who made resolutions!!!!


  1. Good Luck Jen!! I will be rooting for you!


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