The Brightest Star in the Sky book Review

One of my most favourite authors is Marian Keyes.  My mother actually introduced me to her by giving me one of her books for Christmas.  The first book I ever read of hers was called Angels, and I also read her collection of articles and short stories.  She is a very humourous author and I have thoroughly enjoyed every one of her stories.

Her latest novel is The Brightest Star in the Sky I was a little skeptical when I began reading it. It had a somewhat  hokey beginning.  It starts off with a spirit drifting into this building and meandering around these four flats looking for something.  The chapters travel in days from Day 66 to Day 1.  But as I read on I became more and more engrossed with the character development.  I wanted to know what was going on, I had to know what was affecting these people and Marian did not disappoint me.

Marian weaves a story of the interlocking lives of these people and describes in beautiful detail their woes and triumphs.  I am always excited when I read a book and I can go "Oh"at one point before the end where everything just clicks into place.  In her excellent way Marian got me to do that again, it was out of the blue and surprising but it made absolute sense to the story.

The spirit is all knowing and the story is told as the spirit glides in and out of these people's thoughts and memories.  The spirit is looking for something that is absolutely perfect for it and the only guidance it was given is that the spirit would find it at 66 Star Street.  After 66 days everything comes together and the spirit makes the step to the next part of their journey.  

The concept that is brought up in this story is not new, but it is an interesting thing to consider.  If you are looking for a good book to read I would suggest this or any other novel written by Marian Keyes. You won't be disappointed!!!


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