Teaching Religion

I grew up attending religion classes for my entire education career until Grade 11 when I went to a Public High School, so religion class is not a new concept for me.  Teaching it and not being a compliant participant is new.  It's not the first time I have taught a religion class, but it's the first time I find myself struggling with parts of it.

Part of the struggle is the my relationship with the students.  I was about to say the students but that is not a fair assessment.  I am finding it difficult to engage some of the male students and part of the reason is I don't have as strong a relationship with them as I need.  There is not a lot of respect going back and forth so that is definitely something I have to work on.  But I am lost as to how to do that, any suggestions??

I think one of the reasons I really struggle with religion class is because I don't always feel my own views jive with a Catholic Schools teachings.  One thing about me is that I refuse to lie when it comes to my faith, and so I can't stand up in front of a class of students and lie to them if I don't agree with something that is propagated by the Catholic teaching. For example, I do not believe that homosexuals are the work of the devil,  I believe that God created everyone and that he made everyone different so as to teach tolerance in a world that loves sameness. I should say I believe in the Catholic church, I believe that the fundamental teachings of Jesus that created the church are honest and good, I just think that man has once again perverted these teachings to reflect a status quo that never existed. 

Maybe I am too educated to be a religion teacher, maybe I am not educated enough in Catholic teachings, but I am a religion teacher for the Grade 9s at my school so I have to find some way to make my view of what I am and what I want to become the same thing.  There are definitely ways I can improve and as I have typed this blog some ideas have floated into my head, now it's just about taking those ideas and changing them into lesson plans for the students.  But I would appreciate any help or guidance from other Grade 9 religion teachers out there.  If you know any could you please have them contact me at jennifer.lacourse@starcatholic.ab.ca  Thanks everyone!!  Also if you are someone who regularly reads my blog and you have suggestions leave a message or email me I gladly take any suggestions.


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