Fulfilling a Dream: Writing

It has been a dream of mine to be a published author, this has been a dream of mine since I was in middle school. The idea of making a living by creating worlds and characters that other people connect with is such a fantasy. I've imagined it for years and years but I've never really done anything about it. Nothing really concrete.

I've written countless short stories, and I have started countless novels. They are all safely tucked away in drawers or on flash drives but I've never shared them with other people. I've started putting them on flash drives in the hopes that I would send them out to be self published in and epub or something, but I've never moved past the typing them into my computer.

I find when it comes to my dream of being a writer, aside from this blog, which is hit and miss, I've never done any consistent writing.  I've never set aside time each day to devote to my writing or writing activities and it seems to me that this may be the problem.  I definitely have times in my life where I've been more creative and have spend more time writing then other periods of time and many times things come up and my writing takes a back seat.

I've decided to change that.  For the next 12 weeks, 3 months, I am to spend 10 hours a week writing. 10 hours a week writing or typing up my novels, doing editing and sharing on my blog. I figure that gives me 2 hours a week towards my writing blog and 8 hours a week spent on my novel that I want to write.  Lucky for me it's mostly written, at least the first draft, I just have to take my scribblings and transfer them to a typed version.  I figure in the next 12 weeks I can get it typed and I can even get a 2nd and 3rd draft finished. I may even be able to complete it enough to send out to readers to test for me.

I'm not an adult novel writer yet, I prefer young adult and that's where my first novel will be focused. It's a teen drama, but it doesn't have any fantasy to it, its a reality fiction. It's a novel of finding true friendship and overcoming social barriers when you realize who you are supposed to be and stop being who everyone else thinks you should be.

Then I have to start looking into the publishing side, but that's for the next 12 weeks of 2015!!

Here's the link to my other blog for my writing stuff.  I just really wanted to share this, to make it real. Hopefully, you can all keep me on track so I don't forget that this is a dream I want to fulfill!!!


  1. ThatS fantastic news Jenn!! I would love to write too.... Maybe you'll be an inspiration to me!!


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