Thanksgiving What I am thankful for

Thanksgiving always puts me into a funky mood.  It reminds me that I am not always as grateful for what I have as I should be.  I mean I have my health, my family, my house, my friends, I am not broke, I have some great support and I have a job that I am really enjoying now.  I know I spend way too much of my time worrying about things that have changed that I have no control over, things that have changed that bother me, that hurt my heart but it's small things, things who knows why they have turned out the way they did.

I want to say thanks to all my friends for the five minute conversations every year, to the daily bitchfests you let me expunge.  For all the time you are able to give to me to help make my life a better life THANKYOU!!!

I want to say thanks to my family, you are also my friends, my rocks, my sounding board and I couldn't be who I am today without you! Thank you for loving me for who I am even if I am not always what you want me to be!!  THANK YOU!!!

I want to say thanks to my good health, to my good fortune, and all the good luck I have ever experienced in my life!  It's not always that you reflect on what you have to be thankful for, but it is a daily task you should make important in your life or that I am going to make important in my daily life. Good things always happen, I want to focus on those so that more of those good things come to me.
And thank you to those of you who take the time out of your busy day to read my wondering, crazy thoughts!!!


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