Tree of Thanks

Sometimes crafts are simple, so simple that you can't believe you didn't think of them before.  The craft I did today was one that seriously took an hour of my time from start to finish.  The only reason it took an hour was because I let Lil Man walk instead of pushing him in a stroller.

Since this is the season to be thankful  for all we have, I thought it would be a great idea to make a Tree of Thanks.  I saw it on Pinterest and I added it to my Thanksgiving traditions board.  It may even be something we keep around until Christmas, it seems like a fun idea.

So Lil Man and I went out walking today to collect some twigs.  I collected the twigs he just walked with the dog.  It was a great walk and it tuckered him out which gave me two glorious hours of peace and quiet in the house. 

When I got home I also picked up a few pine cones from under our pine trees and brought them inside.  I put some glass stones in the bottom of a vase I had already and added the pine cones.  Then I arranged the twigs I had collected in the vase.  It looks a little empty right now, but soon it will have little cards on it that have different things people are thankful for.

I am using card stock, a tag punch and a hole punch to make the tags, then I will set them beside the tree display with markers and let people add them as they wish.  Thanksgiving traditions have begun!!!


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