What would life be like
What would life be like if...
So imagine if all personal vehicles were banned, the only vehicles that could be on streets or highways were buses, trains, transport trucks and all people with regular lives had to use public transportation.
This is what I believe would happen.
I believe we would build our communities stronger because the communities we live in would be our main source for entertainment and supplies. Since the internet is a thing because it's not like we haven't had all the this technology online grocery delivery would peak. News in our communities would become more important and the global news though important might not be as high of a priority since distance is now a real hindrance.
I believe we'd also increase our outdoor activities, biking, snow shoeing, dog sledding. There would be a lot of adults on long boards, skateboards and hover boards because we have grown accustomed to being lazy and dependent on our creature comforts. But we'd see a lot of obesity decrease as well since we would be forced to be active again.
I think our neighbourhoods would become social beacons, block parties, children playing games in the street, coffee gatherings, dances. Building tighter communities and not allowing social deviance to occur because we would all need to be watching out for each other.
Companies would hire vans to pick up employees to get them to work. Team building would happen in these vans, as employees would bond over their morning coffee. Times would in some ways be simpler, but still there would be comforts of the phone, television and gas heating.
I'd be sad not being able to see my family as often that live so far away, but maybe they'd have transports set up so families could visit and see each other. Facetime would be more important than ever!
I definitely wouldn't like to be without my car, it's a form of independence but maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
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