What Would Life be like

Welcome to What Would Life be like:

Let's get philosophical for just one day a week and consider questions that maybe we wouldn't consider otherwise.  I am going to start this first question out from a book that I love and I am about to read the sequel to sometime in the next few days.  So this one isn't really about what your life would be like, but what would your first few moments in Heaven be like. Mitch Albom wrote the novel, the Five People you Meet in Heaven, and it chronicles the five people that had a huge impact on the main characters life or whom the main character had an impact on their life.  It's much like the movie, What dreams may come.  Who's going to help you set up your heaven?

My five people are those who have impacted me, whom I feel a connection.

Obviously, my dad would meet me up in Heaven. He'd be the first to embrace me in a hug and lead me on my path I'd have to take.  I know my dad would be there, he's always looked out for me when he was alive and I know he would be doing it again.

I think my great grandma on my mom's side and my nana would be the next two I'd meet.  I'm sure they would share some pearls of wisdom and would help me to understand what my role was in Heaven now.

I think my friend Jennifer might also be there.  She just had such a spirit about her and I am awed by her huge heart and love she had for her life.  She is one of the reasons I keep trying to be better and to help out wherever I can.  I think her spirit passed to those she knew and I think she'd want to talk about the legacy she'd leave.

There have been other family and friends that have passed and maybe they will be there, someone is definitely in line right now or maybe it will be a celebrity, but I doubt that unless it's someone I have personally met I just don't know how or why I celebrity would be in my list of 5 people.

These are who I think would be there, and I'd love to have more, but this is such an unknown and no one has come back to tell me if my ideas on heaven are right or wrong so for now I will believe that they are!


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