
Have you ever taken a Mom-cation, or gotten one because you've been left alone while the family goes out to spend some time else where? For my own mental health I need these, I get that times are different now and some people could think it's a sign of weakness or poor parenting ability to need to be away from your children for a period of time, to them I say that is their opinion and we will disagree.

I love my children and I would do anything for them, but you can't fill from an empty cup, so taking these two to three day sabbaticals is necessary, two to three days where the only person I am responsible for keeping alive is myself. I can listen to all the audio books I want, my own music and eat when I feel like it, not when my children dictate their hunger.

This summer I took a mom-cation to Turtle Lake to hang out with my best friend Estelle and her kids.  It was a lovely holiday! By the first day of being there I was missing my kids and was looking forward to smooching their faces when I got home, but not enough to end my mom-cation early!!

I also love that I get to spend time with my lovely, talented and kind nieces! It was a wonderful mom-cation and I hope all my friends get to enjoy mom-cations when they need them!


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