More changes a coming

A year ago I asked for a referral to a plastic surgeon.  I am a well endowed female and all that extra weight up front was causing havoc in my back.  I have had a sore back for years, YEARS!!! My massage therapists always comment on how stressed I must be (from the tension in my upper back) but really it's just from carrying around two watermelons on my chest!! I am also tired of the propping up and pushing down I have to do with my arms in order to be comfortable driving, golfing, really anything because the size they are right now leaves my arms always at an akimbo type state,

So we went in discussed the surgery and then I was supposed to call to get put on the schedule.  There are two reasons I didn't get around to calling in the first 365 days....
1) I started a new job and didn't really know about taking time off especially since my husband wasn't working at the time, then I started another new job and maybe I should have called for June or July but I was still planning to run the Seawheeze back then, so that wasn't going to work.
2) This is my vain reason, he mentioned that I would likely have an altered silhouette, I would no longer be larger on top with a small waist but more small on top and larger waist.  I was no comfortable with this so I kept putting it off hoping I would miraculously lose the weight so it wouldn't be such an imbalance.

I have just had my second consultation with my plastic surgeon and I am comfortable with how things turned out.  I am sure I will have to change my perception a bit but to have some relief from the constant pulling and strain from the watermelons on my chest I am willing to come to terms with it.

But, I do have a date for the surgery now, December 22, which means I have 4 months to get into shape.  It's time to stop snacking and it's time to be conscientious about what I eat and it's time to really buckle down and work on my exercise routine.  That way when I have to take the 6 weeks off for recovery I will be fine with that and I won't have me gaining a shit tonne of weight!!

Transformation 2016 is about to start!! (Well it started 4 weeks ago, but now it's going to blast off into high gear!)  Stay tuned for more updates!!

Have any of you ever had plastic surgery?  Have you ever considered plastic surgery?


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