Random Musings

To my Children
I spent 9 months anticipating your arrival
I spent approximately 24 hours labouring for your birth
I spent 6 months teaching you to sit up
I spent 8 months teaching you to crawl
I spent 12 months teaching you to walk
I spent 18 months teaching you to talk
I will spend my whole life teaching you respect, love, and responsibility.
I can spend all this time with you and not once will it feel like work
I will spend the rest of my life loving you and protecting you as you move further and further from me.
This is the life of a mother.
Love mom


New friends, old friends, acquaintances and close friends

My new friends share my present,

those everyday battles we all face.

My old friends share my history,
growing up and maturing together.

My acquaintances know me
what of me I allow.

My close friends are the chosen,
the ones who extend my family.

But all are treasures that I hold dear.


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