New Career, new possibilities!!!
A few weeks ago I began contemplating starting a home based business. I love staying home with my little man and I do not want to have to go back out into the work force full time leaving him to be raised by someone else. Unfortunately, Adrian and I are not in a position where it is feasible for me to stay home without earning some kind of income. Also I refuse to be dependent on a man, absolutely refuse. So I have considered doing a day home, but I really feel I need to do something, at least part-time, that would get me out of the house and have me socializing with adults. Enter Tamara, my Fifth Avenue Collection Jeweler, she presented me with the option of also becoming a Fifth Avenue Collection Jeweler.
Fifth Avenue Collection is a home based business that started in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. It has fabulous pieces of jewelry and it feels like something I would like to do. So I signed up!!! I am very excited to announce that I am now a Fifth Avenue Collection Jeweler. It is something new and exciting and I feel I will be good at it!! Now it may not make me millions, at least not right away ;), but it should give me an income that can help me pay for the wedding of my dreams and allow me the opportunity to stay at home longer with my little man. Or at least afford me the option to choose to do so when my Maternity Leave runs out.
I have a website you can visit if you are interested in purchasing some new pieces of jewelry AND if you want to host a party you can email me. Don't worry I will probably be calling you and putting that bug in your ear anyways. In the mean time check out the website, see if there is anything you really want then we can open up a discussion on all the ways you can get that piece!!!
The website is and my email is .
Fifth Avenue Collection is a home based business that started in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. It has fabulous pieces of jewelry and it feels like something I would like to do. So I signed up!!! I am very excited to announce that I am now a Fifth Avenue Collection Jeweler. It is something new and exciting and I feel I will be good at it!! Now it may not make me millions, at least not right away ;), but it should give me an income that can help me pay for the wedding of my dreams and allow me the opportunity to stay at home longer with my little man. Or at least afford me the option to choose to do so when my Maternity Leave runs out.
I have a website you can visit if you are interested in purchasing some new pieces of jewelry AND if you want to host a party you can email me. Don't worry I will probably be calling you and putting that bug in your ear anyways. In the mean time check out the website, see if there is anything you really want then we can open up a discussion on all the ways you can get that piece!!!
The website is and my email is .
Ah, yes I checked out the site the other day and did find a few pieces I liked. Hope the business thrives and I will try to get a show planned sometime in march!