Friday Five: Yoga poses to master

I have been doing yoga pretty consistently for the last few months.  I am a huge fan of Yoga with Adrienne, but I am determined to master a few yoga poses by the end of the summer.

1. Sitting Pigeon: I love the stretch I get with this pose, but the balance and core strength you need to ensure you are doing it properly, well I have a long way to go.

2. Downward Facing Dog: I am constantly in this pose in my practice but my heels do not touch the ground so that is what I want to get better at.

3.Tree Pose: This is an amazing balancing pose that I really want to get better at, usually I am just hovering my toes off the ground and on a good day I can get them to my shin so I'd love to get them to my thigh.

4. Warrior two: I love this pose but feel a bit week in the legs when I am trying to sustain this pose.

5. Warrior three: Yeah this isn't a pose I can do with any kind of success yet, so definitely have to work on this one!


  1. Hi- I'm with you on learning the yoga poses. I'm not bad with tree..
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