First Day of School!!

My boys are growing up and they are doing it so fast!! I feel like it was just last year that Chandler was in Kindergarten and now he's going into Grade 11, 12 years he's been attending school, he has two years left and then he will be onto post secondary school.  And now his little brother Lil Man is in Kindergarten!! He's started at Camille J Lerouge school and he rides the bus to school by himself!! He's so big!!

I worry about school sometimes because I think my kids are wonderful, unique little individuals (not so little anymore for Chandler), and I don't want school to conform them into minions that don't have unique, individual thoughts in their heads.  I want my kids to explore and discover things through play, and if I could home school I would, but we need the dual income in our family.  I can't work at night all the time and my kids aren't night owls who would learn better at night so home schooling isn't really a feasible option right now.  Plus I think one of the most important things they learn in school is socialization and if the school is a good school the kids learn tolerance and acceptance of all kinds of different people.

Chandler is focusing his schooling on his mechanics and auto body courses as this is where his interest lie.  He does well at Mechanics and he's enjoying his auto body course so far. He is even looking at getting a job at a car dealership or performance shop so that he can expand his knowledge and earn his journeyman certificate in mechanics.

Lil Man is entering his first year of French Immersion.  After much discussion we decided French Immersion would be our best option because we may not stay in Red Deer for his entire education and if we moved to a small community that did not offer Spanish then he'd lose that skill and we did not want to see that happen.  I think he will do well in school but he needs to focus!!

So here we are at the beginning of another school year!!! How much will they change this year??


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