
Showing posts from February, 2011

Almost done

See I was right once I put my mind to it I can accomplish all kinds of things.  I got up this morning, fairly unwillingly if truth be told, but I made Little Man and I breakfast, then I did my planning for school and then I made my shopping list for the week.  I have a little to do list for today then I get to relax and watch television or indulge in my Sims 3 addiction.  I am so happy.  I got my invites done and I uploaded Little Man's baby book to Costco for printing just have to wait until I have some funds to print off all those pages, gotta make 1 and 1/2 copies to give to one Great Grandma but I am going to print off a disc to give to everyone else.  So yeah to being able to hang out and enjoy my family for the day instead of worrying about all the things I have to do!!!

What a great opportunity!!

Who out there does not enjoy receiving Free jewellery?  Free jewellery how is this possible?  Well I can break it down for you in a very simplistic manner, and I know that when you find out how easy it is, you will want to ask me to help you get the jewellery items of your choice for FREE!!!   It is a very simple process and all it entails is having a few friends over for a night of beverages and snacks with a glittery display somewhere in the viewing area.  All you have to do is set a date and time when you want to get together with your girlfriends for a girls night in.  I will do all the rest for you, I will help you get some free jewellery and assist you and your friends in having a great night. My hostess package guarantees that you will get some free jewellery, no matter what kind of sales you have during the get together simply by having two other girlfriends over for a night.  Depending on sales and bookings you could receive more free jeweller...

Whoops, didn't get everything done but....

So I had great intentions, and as they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions but I did finish some of my Honey Do list, just not all of it.  I was able to complete my invitations for my Fifth Avenue Collection shows in Saskatchewan.  I just have to send them to Costco then I can get to a mailbox and mail them all off (wedding and show invites (I know I know)). But I had a great morning and afternoon.  My basketball game ended much like I expected, not what I had hoped for but what I had expected. We lost but the boys had fun and I was able to buy them all a treat after the game with the tournament dollars the tournament gave us.  Then Chandler and I drove through the blizzard and went to Canadian Tire.  There I purchased two Airsoft pistols and some bbs. I also purchased myself a scale to weigh out my portions of food so I can really commit to this diet.  At 2 my brother and his fiance came over and we visited with them.  They also broug...

Indulgence Time

I am so looking forward to next Monday.  I know this should be on my Lifestyle Lift blog, but I wanted to write it here.  I have my final weigh in on Monday and then I am going to make Adrian take me out on a date.  I think we will indulge in a nice dessert somewhere so if anyone knows of a great dessert place in Red Deer of a place that serves great dessert let me know I am booking it in and my Chandler is going to do some babysitting for me.  I can hardly wait!!!  I am also thinking of doing a little extra indulging this weekend after I finish my Honey Do List.  This list includes mailing out invites (sorry i know i know they are late), completing Fifth Avenue Collection invites for the parties in Saskatchewan (SK friends watch your mailbox for a lovely invite from me), completing my lesson plans for Monday, Wednesday and Friday next week, and booking two more parties for March 11-13 weekend for Fifth Avenue Shows at my place.  It's going to keep m...

Your Education is always your own

I am sitting in a CTS class and I am watching a group of students work independently creating projects without instruction from the teacher (me, I am subbing today).  It has got me to thinking, and I mean I think a lot on days like these because subbing can be very demanding or essentially putting me in a place of classroom babysitter.  My thoughts are running around in my head questioning why we can't have all classes run this way. Why can't students work at their own pace just being given an outcome they must show you how they understand it in their own way?  It could work within any class if the teacher is creative enough to set up their classroom that way. The teacher also has to be willing to let go of control.  You can't have the students learn the concepts at their speed but at the speed that they are comfortable with.  I could come up with all kinds of examples of how teachers could start this in small units which will gradually grow into l...

Teaching Religion

I grew up attending religion classes for my entire education career until Grade 11 when I went to a Public High School, so religion class is not a new concept for me.  Teaching it and not being a compliant participant is new.  It's not the first time I have taught a religion class, but it's the first time I find myself struggling with parts of it. Part of the struggle is the my relationship with the students.  I was about to say the students but that is not a fair assessment.  I am finding it difficult to engage some of the male students and part of the reason is I don't have as strong a relationship with them as I need.  There is not a lot of respect going back and forth so that is definitely something I have to work on.  But I am lost as to how to do that, any suggestions?? I think one of the reasons I really struggle with religion class is because I don't always feel my own views jive with a Catholic Schools teachings.  One thing about me is tha...

Twitter Update

So after some consideration I signed up for a Twitter account, if you want you can follow me at Jewelryjenn79 if you have a twitter account.  It's an interesting expeinece and I am trying to use it for my professional life, but it is a lot of fun to use it for personal stuff as well.  I am trying to keep my personal and professional life separate, but sometimes that's more difficult than not.  I still may sign up for another Twitter account, once I get this one under control because it's hard to figure out all the new jargon and stuff. I am seriously confused, when it comes to some abreviations on Twitter.  So I am compiling a document of how I learned how to navigate Twitter which I will share on here.  First in order to tag someone in a post you add an @ sign in front of their name.  Much like tagging someone in a Facebook status.  You can also add in a # in front of a word (or group of words with no spaces) to create something that links you to ...

Terrible Deeds Schenecker Case

I have not kept up on the news lately because so often the news is horribly depressing.  Most news that is reported is about the horrible things that we humans do to one another for not other reason then hatred or intolerance.  Some of the worst things I ever encounter are crimes against children and youth, especially those crimes committed on them by their own parents. I just read an article in People on the Schenecker case in Florida where a mother murdered her two teens.  I am just sickened by the fact that this still happens, and I am not naive I understand that something terrible must have happened for this mother to have done this, but she has no remorse for what she has done.  She has obviously had a complete break with her reality and now she is non apologetic for shooting her two children.  How can people do this?  I cannot understand this, but something must have happened to make this woman snap, but it does not excuse her actions.  And n...

Fifth Avenue Collection

I am starting up my home based business again.  I have decided it is the most convenient way for me to make some extra money considering my family and goals that I have in life.  It could be just as easy for me to go out and get another job waitressing on the weekends, but that would take me out of the house and I would spend less time with my family, which for me is not an option.  So now I am spending time every day to do something for my business.  I started two weeks ago, and it was a slow start, I began carrying my Cash and Carry bag, which is a bag with the Fifth Avenue Collection logo on it and little windows to display some pieces of jewellery.  I then set up three shows this weekend to sell some of the jewellery I had in inventory.  None of the days were stellar days that changed my thinking immensely but I did make almost $200 in profit so that's not too bad.  And I got to do it while being at home with my family and I could have done schoo...

Jewelry show this weekend!!

For those of you in the Red Deer area, I am starting to do Fifth Avenue Jewelry shows again.  I had started them about a year ago actually and then stopped around 6 months ago, because I got busy with so many other little things.  I have decided that I have a lot of inventory and it's a fun activity for me to be able to get together with some great people so I want to try doing some shows every month.  I am not looking to become rich doing this, maybe just make a couple extra hundred dollars a month so that if I have to not be working full time again I have a back up plan. I will be having some specials all weekend for those of you that wish to stop by, just send me a message and I can get you the information. Don't worry if you leave a post here with your email address I won't publish it I will just email you back.  Fifth Avenue Collection has some of the best jewelry designs you have seen in a long time.  They have a fabulous warranty and their hostes...

To Tweet or not to Tweet

So I have been contemplating joining Twitter recently.  I am not sure if I really need another social networking site to become involved in, but I sometimes think it may be a useful tool in life.  I mean if you use it for a specific reason in your life then maybe it won't become all consuming. I had taken against Twitter when it first came out because Facebook was so all consuming that I just couldn't possibly spend more time on the internet updating another social networking site.  Since I have become involved with Facebook, my other social networking websites have been neglected.  I haven't deleted them, but I should since I never access them.  I love Facebook, I am definitely a fan of Facebook, but it is very time consuming, so do I need another site to consume more of my time. I have some questions about Twitter that I feel I have to have answered before I can sign up with them if I do sign up with them and I felt this might be a site to ask those ques...

Life Stealers Pt 2

The post I wrote last night got me thinking of another time when people could be life stealers.  This always happens when they are in relationships and I am speaking of those romantic relationships. It is definitely something I used to be guilty of, but have since come to realize the folly in my ways and have corrected the behaviour. What behaviour might this be you ask, well it's the behaviour where one person becomes or tries to become a carbon copy of the person they are with.  This behaviour is dictated when a person's likes or dislikes change, or they start taking on activities that they use to scoff at before they became involved with this new relationship.   I know in past relationships I have taken up activities that my boyfriends have enjoyed, not because I was interested in them or because I actually had a desire to become involved with them, but simply because my boyfriend liked them and I wanted to spend time with him.  I became guilty of being a li...

Suffering Soother

Have I ever told you how much I detest soothers?  I find that they are a great tool early on in a child's life, but sometimes they just get out of control.  I felt like my son's use of the soother was fast approaching that point so we have now been weening him off the soother.  It is seriously taking us longer to ween him off the soother than it did to ween him off bottles and breastfeeding.  I am not happy about that. But in case some of you are in similar situations or find yourself in similar situations sometime down the road here is the path we took.   My son, bless him, is a very stubborn child, like super stubborn (I am sure he gets it from his dad).  He also has a really bad temper and will throw amazing temper tantrums, which I know are from his dad's side because his paternal Grandmother told me his father was just like that.  So at a very early age we used the soother to help him soothe himself back to sleep or so that he would stop usi...