A Tribute to those that Mean the Most

Where would we be if not for our friends??  You know those girls and guys that stand by when you make an ass of yourself, or more often than not are right there with you making an ass of themselves as well.

What is the measure of a real friend??  Do we measure our friendships by the length of time we have known someone or by the events and memories we share with them.

When do friendships begin and end??  Is it the first day of meeting or through some common interest learned later?  Do the end with a huge fight or with a gradual drifting??

Why do some friendships last while others end??  Is it through growing together that cements friendships or is it this growing that disintegrates them??

How do you know who will be a forever friend??  Is there some spark that tells you or is it more subtle.

Who are your forever friends, your surprising friends, your friends, and your lost friends??

I know that I am a lucky person to have so many friends in my life.  I have single friends, married friends, young friends, mature friends, friends that live close, friends that live far away, and friends that I have know forever and friends I have just met.  It's a great life to be surrounded by friends.

We don't always see eye to eye.  We don't always get to see each other.  However, I have always been able to work things out with my friends and to over come all obstacles this life wants to throw at us.

Some of my forever friends I have known for 25 years, others I have only met 18 months ago, still others only a year ago.  It's strange how it turns out, how I have made some forever friends, life works in weird ways.

I am grateful for my friends.  There have been times in my life where I would not have pulled out with no scars had it not been for my friends.  There have been times when I know I have not been the greatest friend in the world, I can only say I have learned from these mistakes and have made amends with these friends.  I know I have been wronged by friends but I have forgiven them, sometimes too many times, but they are my friends and regardless of what other people may believe they are my friends and I want to stay loyal to those friends.

I truly love that my friends are true friends.  I love that my friends are happy for me as long as what I am doing makes me happy.  I know someone who has a couple of friends that are not happy with his decisions.  They tell him that his decisions are stupid and that he should change his plans to suit their needs.... or I have a friend who is involved with someone but that someone won't leave their unhappy relationship because their friends are telling her she should work things out.  I can't deal with things like that, if you can't be happy for me, I can't be bothered with you.  If you don't like my decisions it's fine to voice your opinion but don't think that I make my decisions to benefit you.

So I am going to send out a big thank you to all my friends.  Thank you Mom, Grandma, Courtney, Sharon, Kim, Laleh, Estelle, Lexus, Michelle, Roxann, Melanie, Karry, Jeni, Garrett, Bruce, Chad, Shelley, Tara, Becky, Meladi, Cathy, Pamela, Linda, Darlene, Alex, Vanessa, Annie, Arlie, Danny, Greg, Jay, Sarah, Judy, Karlee, Allison, Karen, Krista, Naomi, Jessica, Natasha, Stacey, Nicole, Jen, Nikki, Rolly, Joy, Maritza and Rhonda!!!!!


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