Snotty Nose and Dirty Toes

Well he doesn't actually have dirty toes, but he does have a snotty nose. Poor lil man is sick, he has a cold. But on a positive note, aside from his snotty nose, he is in good spirits.  He jut ssounds so congested and HATES having his nose wiped or aspirated.  He cries and squirms and I feel like I am in a WWE wrestling match.  It's amazing how agile babies can be when they want to get away from a kleenex.

This cold has come at the absolute worse time, but I think that's just Murphy's law at work.  I was using this weekend to break lil man of his habit of waking up at 2 and 4 am every night.  He wasn't waking up because he was hungry but rather because he wanted to come and cuddle in our bed.  Which I will confess I let him do, because at times I was too tired to actually deal with getting up and soothing him back to sleep and bringing him into bed was just so much easier.  However, because of this cold he is still waking up, it's not because he wants to cuddle but last night he actually wanted to nurse.  Which he did and he ate a lot.  I don't mind getting up if he needs to eat, but when it's just a habit that gets him into mom's bed, well that needs to stop sooner rather than later.

I am going to keep trying the rest of the weekend, and we will see how it goes.  Hopefully this cold will disappear soon and  I will have my lil man back and he will be all smiles and sleeping through the night!!! I have my fingers crossed!!!


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