How did I meet.... Sharon

My various friends and I have met in different situations.  I have tons of friends on Facebook, but most of the people on Facebook, I have met in some regard or another.  So for my next few blogs I am going to try to recount how I met some of my many friends.  I am going to pay special attention to my readers (followers) and then to some other friends that I know who read as well.

I am going to start off this series with my oldest and dearest friend... Sharon.

How did I meet Miss Sharon, who is now a Mrs.  Well it all goes back to 1985.  I had just started a new school, after having moved to the small town of Wakaw.  Sharon was in my class, she rode the bus to school.  We had many adventures in school, my earliest memory of Sharon is in gym class.  We were paired together.  

Sharon will tell you, whether you ask or not, that her earliest memory of me is when I brought my baby brother to school for Show and Tell.  Yes I was a proud big sister!!

I can't tell you what cemented my friendship with Sharon, but I do know that the turning point to our friendship occurred in Grade 4.  It was in this grade that Sharon and I went from just friends to Best Friends.  It may have had something to do with my other best friend being held back and no longer being in my class, or it could be that we just grew together with our common interests. Common interests being boys!  

Grade 4 was the year of boys catch girls, building snow houses  and "sweet baboos".  Grade 4 saw sleep overs and secret admirers.  Sharon helped one boy pass notes to me in Grade 4, in which he said he liked me and asked if I liked him.... as it was from a secret admirer it was hard to answer.  But Sharon being a great friend let it slip who the boy was and for two weeks I had a boyfriend.  It was a great year and it was the year that I truly remember developing a great friendship with Sharon.

As the years have passed I have gathered many more memories of Sharon.  I remember being scandalized in Grade 8 with Sharon's brazen talk of condoms and sex.  I remember Sharon coming to visit me in Prince Albert after Chan was born and how I specifically told Sharon to wait at the mall and to not go wandering in downtown PA. Sharon did not listen and was accosted by a bum asking for a "schmoke".  Sharon and I have lived together, we have traveled together and I have seen her get married.  We have made many memories together and I am sure we will make many more in the future as we spend girls weekends together.  

To Sharon it has been a blast and I can't wait to see what the next 25 years have in store for us!!!


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