Gardening season again

And it is time to start planning my garden patches again this year.  I have five areas that need gardening ideas for the summer, so I am going to blog a series of gardening blogs for this season just to see how I am doing with them.  It's going to be epic!!!

So my main garden area is the my vegetable garden, I am not really sure what I will do this year and the largest portion of it will be possibly under construction this summer as we put in a new fence.  I am going to have Adrian measure out the fence so we can take it in to a few businesses around town to get quotes for a fence.  I need a new fence my fence is about to fall on my car, very literally.  So because part of the main garden wall is the fence we may have to leave that empty, if we can get the fence done early enough I can still plant some things in it, but we will have to see what happens.

My second garden area is along the East side of the house, it is just a small flower bed.  I am hoping to plant some perennials , like Lupins and some crawling ivy in there.  But I want to make it into a type of rock garden as well, or at least find rocks to edge it with.  I think it would look great!!!

The third garden area is the flower bed in the front of the house.  I would really like to turn this into a large rock garden with areas to plant annuals or perennials.  I have to carve out the flower bed and then find the large rocks, I think I will take my family for a picnic one day down by the river and see if we can't find some nice river rocks to take back with us.  I seriously hope that is allowed because I don't know where else to find rocks.  I may put an ad on Kijiji to see if any farmers have some rocks they would like to get rid of and I will go get those.

I also have the areas around my spruce trees in the front yard, the one has two rose bushes that need some TLC.  The other is empty because it had a horrible bush that we pulled last year but we haven't gotten anything in to replace it.  I am thinking about doing a raised rock garden around the tree, or getting a few more rose bushes to put around it.

I would seriously like to hedge my whole front yard, but that might be something to do next year, or to leave for the next people who buy our house.  This year it is all about gardening on the cheap!!! So I will be doing that.  Expect to see me get dirty but expect to see some amazing things.

Welcome to the Gardening on the Cheap Blog Serious!!!!


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