
Showing posts from August, 2014

Double celebration today

Today our Teddybear is 3 months old!! He's growing so fast!! This past month he's rolled over, he's gone in his exosaucer. He's travelled to the zoo and had a great visit with his cousins.  He's even gotten into a routine a little bit and mommy likes it!! Teddybear you are a delightful child and we love you so much!! slow down on the growing up though  because we want to enjoy every minute of you!!  You have an amazing smile, a cute laugh (only heard that one once) You are a professional snuggle bug, and the only time it's difficult is when I'm trying to type and you kick the computer!!   Currently you like, sleeping, cuddling, playing in the exosaucer, bath time, tummy time and rolling over. Currently you dislike being put down, wet and dirty diapers, loud noises and long car rides. As the title says though this is a double celebration day, because on this day three years ago I married my love!! It was a beautiful day in Lake Taho...

Facebook Messenger App

There are a lot of reports that are causing fear mongering around the Facebook Messenger App.  They are supposed to be able to access your personal data, your pictures, your camera, your microphone and this could all be without your knowledge.  Or that's what they say.  I am personally against getting the Facebook Messenger App but it's not for the reason that many are thinking. I don't agree with allowing and application to have carte blanche rights to my phone, it's no one's business what's on my phone except for me. Here someone broke down what they are asking your permission for on Facebook Messenger to download the app.  It's sort of the reason why I didn't get a company phone last time my phone came up for renewal.  I just don't need someone to tell me what apps I can have on my phone and what I can do with my phone on my down time, and I'm not about to have two phones because I need a phone for work, that's ridiculous. However, I di...

The 5 Love Languages for Children

I've spent a lot of time this last week listening to Lil Man.  He is constantly asking me to play with him, but he's also constantly climbing on me and wanting to cuddle.  What does that tell me about his love Language?  It tells me he understands love through quality time and physical touch. Lil Man loves to hug and cuddle. When we watch television together he has to be sitting on us or right next to us, he likes to be in proximity so that he is touching whomever he is spending time.  He's a very touchy feely kid, and others recognize it, he's not much for recognizing personal space either.  He will get right in your face when he's talking to you and the more excited he is the more he will reach out to touch you as he's talking with you.  So I'd bet his primary language is physical touch, followed by a close second to Quality Time. Lil Man loves to spend time playing with anyone.  But he loves doing things with us.  He is always asking that w...

Learning Strength

I've been very blessed in my life to have had a lot of strong women helping to raise me.  Not only my mother and grandma, but my nana, aunty and cousin are all strong women! Plus my family of choice (those I've chosen to take up residence in my family sphere) has had some excellent female role models so I never really got the idea that I should be a woman that a man would take care of, as nice as that sounds sometimes in theory, for me to just be a kept woman, I couldn't do it!! I've chosen to live my life so those women who have shown me what it means to be strong in the face of adversity can be proud of me and also so that the girls I may possibly be influential to, know how to make good choices so they stay strong. One of the women who had a strong influence in my life was a friends mom, and she has since passed on now.  She was always so happy, even when she was sick.  She showed such strength when my friend was going through a really tough time. My friend was m...

Arbonne Foot Spa

So after a long day of walking, there is nothing better than pampering your feet.  So after our long day of walking at the Calgary Zoo I decided I needed to do a detox foot bath. I chose the Arbonne SeaSource Detox rescue wash and scrub. It was a hot day so I used cool water and sat with my feet in the water for 30 minutes, it felt wonderful!!  Then after they had soaked for so long I used the the scrub to help give the feet a good cleaning and back in the rescue wash for another 15 minutes. It wasn't a full pedicure, but it was just what I needed and my feet felt fantastic afterwards. I'd recommend the Arbonne SeaSource Line for a home foot spa and pedicure treatment!! This one is short because I'm just trying to figure out how to do product reviews!!

Teddy Bear is growing up

When I had Chandler I was very young, and I had the energy of the young on my side, and he was an amazing sleeper, I'm older now and the energy I had in my early 20s has long since vanished.  I was able to have my Chandler sleep in his bed quite early and he slept for 8 hours a night, it was wonderful, I didn't know babies didn't usually do that, so when Lil Man was born, well I was shocked.  He was a terrible sleeper, he'd cat nap through the day and was up two to three times a night, every night and hated sleeping in any bed buy mine, so he slept in our bed for a long time and would crawl into our bed every night for years, he'd finally stopped but now he's sort of started again.  And now I have Teddybear, he's a much better sleeper than Lil Man, but I'm not noticing him being as good a sleeper as Chandler, but I'm thinking it's more a me thing then a him thing. Why would I say that you ask?  Well....... I have Teddybear's bassinet in m...

Masking it!!

I decided to try a new mask for my face.  I'd seen some friends try it and since I had no other mask supplies in my house and really wanted to do a firming mask I thought I'd try it.  What product did I try you ask, well I used my Greens from It Works. I took a before picture of my face wore the mask for 40 minutes then washed it off.  My face feels smoother than it did before the mask and it feels firmer too. So I'm happy with the results. So if you want try it out yourself as well.  Lil Man wanted to know why my face was green, and he was not interested in doing the mask with me. I'm very willing to try new products to see how they work, and if anyone else has any other suggestions please send them my way, I'll try them and then blog about the results!

Calgary Zoo 2014

Last year I was able to go to the zoo twice before the flood.  I went within days of each visit back in May and it was wonderful.  The first time I went with the girls from work and the second time I went with my little family.  We had a great time, as we always do when we go to the zoo, but then the flood happened and I hadn't been back since. I have huge amounts of faith that the zoo would be restored and even improved after the devastation of the flood and I was right, today I took the two little boys to the zoo with our friends.  Lil Man had been earlier in the season with his grandma and Papa, but this was my first time taking him.  He was very excited to be going with his best friend and couldn't wait to see the dinosaurs, flamingos and lions. We arrived early and bought season passes. As a season pass is good for one calendar year, it was a good deal, I enjoy going to the zoo and If we go 3 times in a year it's paid for itself. The first exhibit w...

Dogs vs Cats

I know that most people are either dog lovers, cat lovers or general animal lovers, and then there are those other guys... the ones that don't like animals... watch out for them... no just kidding it's all about personal preference and the amount of time you are willing to give to other beings.  For me I always thought I was an animal lover, I didn't think I had much of a preference. I'd had a cat before, whom I loved dearly (she was crazy though) but we parted ways because my oldest was allergic to her and he suffered from terrible sinus issues around her.  I was very sad but my son's health definitely took precedence over wanting a pet. After we didn't have a pet for a long time, we tried another cat but Chandler's allergies flared up so severely that we had to find that kitten a new home.  So then we thought we would try a dog. I did some research, because taking on a dog was a HUGE responsibility. I mean I can raise kids but I had killed every plant I...

Sylvan Lake Day trip

Summer is such  busy time! During the school year, school monopolizes your children's time so you only have to plan activities for two days a week but once July hits it's up to the parents to ensure their children are entertained for the summer (or the day care provider if you are working).  But let's be honest you are at least taking a week or two off in the summer where your children are home with you! So what do you do with them. I've posted some of the things we have done with the kids this summer, camping at Gull Lake, day trips to Gull Lake, The Spark Center in Calgary, Parks around Red Deer and today I'll tell you about the Lakeshore at Sylvan Lake. If you are from the Red Deer area or Alberta you have probably been to Sylvan Lake at some point or at least heard of it.  It's about twenty minutes from Red Deer on highway 11 and 11A.  It's a growing community of over 13,000 residence and I am sure it's population spikes in the summer time.  Weir...

Our new Camper

So after a couple years of us saying we were going to buy a camper we finally did.  We went looking and had seen a few we liked but nothing we were dead set on getting.  We had determined that we needed a trailer with bunks in the back to ensure we had enough sleeping space for everyone so we were looking for the double bunks. I wanted an outside shower but that's simply because I didn't want to have to be sweeping it out every ten minutes from sand being dragged inside by Lil Man.  It is his mission in life to bring back a pound of sand from every sand area we go to!! I swear!! Then the second time we went out we saw a used trailer, it hit all our requirements plus it had an outside kitchen.  The other selling feature for us was that it was well within our price range so we snapped it up and purchased our first camper. It's huge, HUGE!! I could be comfortable living in this thing if we happened to buy a lake lot to park it on and I could live at the lake all s...