Double celebration today
Today our Teddybear is 3 months old!! He's growing so fast!! This past month he's rolled over, he's gone in his exosaucer. He's travelled to the zoo and had a great visit with his cousins. He's even gotten into a routine a little bit and mommy likes it!! Teddybear you are a delightful child and we love you so much!! slow down on the growing up though because we want to enjoy every minute of you!! You have an amazing smile, a cute laugh (only heard that one once) You are a professional snuggle bug, and the only time it's difficult is when I'm trying to type and you kick the computer!! Currently you like, sleeping, cuddling, playing in the exosaucer, bath time, tummy time and rolling over. Currently you dislike being put down, wet and dirty diapers, loud noises and long car rides. As the title says though this is a double celebration day, because on this day three years ago I married my love!! It was a beautiful day in Lake Taho...