Car Wreck
So as I was being driven home from my night out with the
girls, Lily and I were talking about her new job. She had just been hired to work for the Kipp Scott group as
a Car Salesperson. She is a very
personable lady so I could see her doing very well in that role. As we turned onto 76 street and
approached my house, I noticed something really weird. I could see through my car, I could see
the backseat clearly.
may not seem like it should be a weird thing, but my Explorer has very tinted
back windows so to be able to clearly see that my interior is beige seemed
odd. At first I thought someone
had broken into my car and stolen my Easter Gifts for the kids, I was pissed
but it was a, ‘oh well, it was only $40 worth of stuff”. As we got closer I gasped, audibly
gasped and said, ”What the hell is wrong with my car?!”
pulled up to the curb and I got out, my car was wrecked!! It had been hit! And
hit hard, it had been pushed up the street, ten feet and the whole left rear
side was caved in. I was
FURIOUS!!! I called 9-1-1 and then I called my hubby, he was mad as well, he’d
heard the crash but when he looked out he couldn’t see the car so he didn’t
think anything of it. When he saw the damage he knew exactly who had hit the
car, one of our neighbours.
They hadn’t left a note or
anything, we waited for the police and told the responding office everything,
but because this occurred on Good Friday no one was going to do anything until
Monday or Tuesday. The police took
our statements and then drove around the block to see if he could find the
culprit (my husband had already found the truck, but the police don’t work like
they do on CSI).
Saturday morning I got up and
decided to walk the neighbourhood with my camera, just in case I came across
the truck that hit me, and what do you know just down the block and around the
corner on Norby I found the truck.
It was a company truck, and it even had a phone number on it, so I
snapped some pictures, noted some paint transfer and was willing to submit the
rest to the police and my insurance.
Later the next day we had a good
Samaritan stop by and explained that he had witnessed the whole incident. This
big black dually truck had turned
the corner going very fast and had smacked right into the Explorer, then backed
up and took off down the street. A
couple hours later, we had another knock on the door, when I answered the door,
a young kid stood in my doorway.
He explained that he had hit the Explorer last night, hadn’t meant to
leave the scene but that he’d just put new tires and he took the corner to
wide, plus he suffered from migraines, so he wasn’t drinking and driving, just
not feeling well and he was really sorry.
I’m probably more forgiving then
my hubby, but even to me, his story stunk, of please don’t call it in that I
was impaired. Now since he was
sober when he came by we couldn’t do anything but I am pretty sure, he was
drunk when he hit my Explorer. For
three weeks I was without a vehicle, lucky for my insurance company I spent a
week in Mexico and a week in Vegas!!
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