April Update
It's been an interesting month. Well not necessarily interesting but a busy month for sure. We had a birthday party, baby shower, another birthday party and a wedding all in the first 16 days of the month. After that the month slowed down, but my summer planning increased. I was able to book three trips, a trip a month starting in May. Two of those trips will be just Leigham and I and the third is a family trip!! I am so excited to be taking Adrian to California!! Leigham has been to so many birthday parties and he has so many more to go to in the near future!! He attended Mason's birthday party, it was a pirate theme!! Leigham hung around and watched what was happening, but Mason had a great time and that was the most important part!! I attended Nicki's baby shower. Got to visit with three of the JUGs girls outside of JUGs and it was fun. JUGs is a weekend summer retreat that I go on every year with my friend Estell...