Road Trip Part 3 New York City

Even though we were only in New York City for like an evening it still deserves it's own blog post because I mean it was NEW YORK CITY!!!  I have wanted to go to New York City for the longest time and even though I wasn't there for three or four days to explore every area and every borough (which i don't think is even possible in three days) I still had a great time. 

The weather was not cooperating, I mean we drove through monsoon like rain, where the windshield wipers on the highest speed were doing nothing to keep the water off.  We really weren't sure what we were going to do when we got to the hotel because this one did not have a pool.  Originally, we'd planned to spend the morning in NYC then drive up to Maine in the afternoon.  When we got to the hotel in New Jersey it had stopped raining, we were searching up in door pools or amusement centers in the areas that we could take the kids too.  My kids were getting antsy and the hotel room was the smallest hotel room ever.  I made Lil Man run up and down the outside stairs twenty times to burn off some energy!

Since it was just overcast we decided to take our chance and head over to Manhattan.  This way we'd at least be able to say we got there and didn't just look at from across the hudson or whatever! So down to Hoboken we travelled to get on the subway.  Prince T and Lil Man were thrilled to be riding the subway!

Prince T did not even want to look at the camera because he might miss something on the train.
We made it to Times Square, and wow is that place ever busy and noisy.  But there was so much energy everywhere! The kids were great they stayed with us and held our hands or sat in the strollers (we brought two).  Our first order of business was to find somewhere to eat, it was 7 pm and the kids were starving.
 We found supper at the Broadway Diner.  I had a hot dog, because it was a hot dog, the boys shared so food and we even enjoyed a cold beer because it was so muggy!

More sight seeing in Times Square, these guys were strange, we agreed to take a photo with spiderman and the rest jumped in expecting money.  UMMM no.

 Yeah we were typical tourists, and had so much fun!! It was one of my favourite nights of the trip, and I am so glad we chose to go that night and not the next day because it was pouring rain when we woke up the next morning.

 I had Lil Man in the stroller and I wanted to take a picture with New Yorks Finest and asked Estelle if she wanted to ask with me she was like no, so I walked over and asked and when they agreed Estelle ran over to be in the picture!! Yup it was a good night!!


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