Joining the trend

So over the past year many of my friends have started blogs. Mostly just to speak of their experiences in their life. Some speak of Motherhood, wedding planning or just other things that happen to them. I have had blogs in the past, on my myspace page and on my facebook page, so this will be my first attempt at a blog on a blog site.

I enjoy checking my friend's blogs but with work and just wanting to watch television I admit I have not been the best reader of their blogs. That shall all change now, as I am about to go on Maternity leave for a year. I know I will be busy with raising a newborn and keeping my eldest in check, but I feel I will have some spare time on my hands. Time to put into a Hobby I love. I love to write and I love to share my thoughts on different events. Maybe have some discussions start on new topics or bring up new views on old ideas.

If all goes as plan, starting next week, the Week starting October 19 my blog will be up and running. I would like to update daily, and that is my goal, whether it's with some insightful words of wisdom, a feel good news story, or creative writing something will appear daily. That is the plan.

I hope you enjoy reading and if you would like me to share my thoughts on any topic just let me know and I will write up a blog on that topic.


  1. Hey! Glad to see u on blogspot! It's a really great place to share your thoughts and hopefully we can get more people sharing on here. I'm looking forward to seeing what you have to say, good luck hon.


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