Friday Five: Five things I am going to do this summer

Welcome to another edition of Friday Five!

This Friday Five is dedicated to making five goals for myself this summer! Five things I want to do and how I am going to incorporate them into my summer.

1. Reading, reading and reading.

I put myself on a reading hiatus for June.  I did this because I was reading a lot and I didn't want to clean out my school library before the summer hit!  I also used July to focus more on my novel writing so there was that too.  For the Summer I am going to read 14 books, I have already started book number 5 so I think I am on pace to reach this goal!

2. Writing, writing and writing.

I love writing, but I find I always make excuse why I can't write, or find other things to distract me with so that I don't actually write.  But I am putting aside an hour a day to do some writing.  This is turning into an hour in the morning before my kids are allowed to get up for he day.  Teddy doesn't listen to this but he is usually willing to sit and let me finish after he wakes up.

3. Travel

We had planned to take the boys to California, but with needing to do some home renovations and stuff we had the shelf that plan for now. Instead we are going to go to Silverwood in Idaho and maybe travel over into Washington just to do something different. It's going to be so much fun in less than 365 days my boys will have been from coast to coast in Canada, only missing Newfoundland.  I think that's going to make the list of places to go here soon.

4. Organize my house and Purge

Maybe it was the organizing I talked about yesterday that has started me on this path, but I just want to clean out closets and clothes and get rid of things we are no longer using.  I want to clean organize and just keep things neat and tidy. It's only taken me this much of my life to develop a desire to be consistently organized and tidy.  I've always liked things clean, but I was always ok with a little bit (a lot) of clutter.

5. Get a yoga flow

I love doing yoga and it's the one exercise that I like to actually do alone in my house, so I have to develop a routine in my life to get my yoga flow on.  I think this will be do able I just have to sketch out the time in my day and make it a priority.  Thirty minutes of yoga everyday seems like a lot when you do none, but if I start slow and build up I am sure I can make it happen!!

What five things are you doing this summer?


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