So got a little behind

I alsways seem to have great plans for my blog, then life gets in the way.  While I was in Saskatchewan at the beginning of the month I came up with some rough drafts of my blogs, but I never got around to posting them.  And it's too late now, so we are moving on.

Life is going well on Monday I noticed that Little Man had cut his first tooth.  At 6 1/2 months of age!!!!!  That's not excited exclamation points that's grrr exclamation points haha.  We are still breastfeeding and so far no bites.  Knock on Wood!!  He didn't seem really bothered by the teething which was nice, but I wasn't home all day on Saturday with him, so he could have been really cranky but he saved it all for Daddy. 

I am preparing for my trip to Prince Edward Island.  I am so excited!!!  I am for sure going to blog daily while I am there, but they may not get posted until we get back but we will see what happens.  First step in preparing for PEI is to read literature on PEI, starting with the famous Anne of Green Gables!

Blog more later!!!


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