Chapter 5: How our life is changing

Man do things ever change and flip you on your head when you receive news you weren't expecting! I know stating the obvious, but even though we logically know it will happen it's still super frustrating and shocking when it happens.

So three statements the doctor made when we were there that started us on a path, Disability Tax Credit, FSCD funding, and AFOs. I am so, happy (?!?) that I have had the jobs I have had because none of these terms or acronyms were foreign to me.

Disability Tax Credit and Benefit are two things we will apply for, it's likely we make too much money to see any return in the benefit section but we will be able to use all our costs as tax write offs now.  Which is a small thing, but we are now going to be incurring more costs, with more medical trips, more medical supplies and such so anything to help us counter that will be hugely beneficial. I have the forms I need and I just need my doctor to fill them out so I can submit them to the government.

FSCD, how is that for an acronym.  It stands for Family Supports for Children with Disabilities.  This is the branch of government service that provides staffing  and funding supports for families based on their children's needs.  This can include respite care so the parent can get out of the house, clothing allowance to help offset the cost of the extra clothes they can go through, community support to help the child in extra curricular activities, medical appointment coverage and I am sure there are many others.  But you have to fill in a form online, then in three days or so you have to take them a letter from the doctor telling them how the disability is going to affect their quality of life as compared to a normal child at the same age.  I have filled in the form, I am just waiting on the letter now.

AFOs, or Ankle Foot Orthosis are essential leg braces that will help Teddy keep his feet in the position they need to be when he is out running and playing.  These cost around $3800 to make, but the government covers most of it and has parents only pay a $500 deductible, which is a big chunk to pay especially when you think of the way kids grow! So for the next few years we will be trying to find ways to build his strength so that maybe he won't need the AFOs or finding ways to make the AFOs more cost effective as he goes through his growth spurts!!

So now I have this whole new world of things I must do! I am still working with all our new doctors, the Physical Therapist and an Early Years Intervention Program Worker who is helping me get all the services we need for Teddy.  Teddy has qualified for Pre K so he will now get some school supports.  We are going to request some Occupational Therapy supports for him as well to ensure he is developing those fine motor skills and developing muscle memory.

It feels like it's going to be a lot of stop and go as we get things established, but we've got the ball rolling now so that is one thing that is off my plate, and I am sure that everything will turn out as it should.  In the meantime we are going to love on all our kids to make sure they have the best life they can possibly have!


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