Happiness!! Friday Five Link Up
I'm linking up with Mar on the run , Eat Pray Run and You signed up for what again for their Friday Five Link up. Today we are talking about our Five things that make us happy. It's like a loaded question, I mean the honest answer is life... but more specifically what about this life makes me happy. So I started thinking about it, there are many things in my life that make me happy, surprising, or not, they aren't things that make me happy, but activities and people. 1) FAMILY: My family makes me happy. Yes they can drive me crazy, they can frustrate me to the point of wanting to run away at times, but I LOVE them and they make me happy. How do I know they make me happy? Mostly, because I recognize that without them I'd be very sad. Very few people in life can make me smile and feel genuinely peaceful and happy like my family is able to. So Yes my number one thing that makes me happy is my family. 2) FRIENDS: I love girl time, I love hanging ...