I'm Back!!!!

Did you miss me blog buddies???  I missed you that's for sure... that is definitely one of the downfalls of traveling you don't always get reliable Internet access or access to power.  I have a lot of blogs to upload here soon, hopefully I will get them drafted and edited by tomorrow then you will all see what's been happening in the world of Jenn!!!

Oh for my Big Brother Blog readers, here are some things CBS took out for their editing of the shows you watched during the past two weeks.

The biggest glaring omission is that Shelley was the one to convince Kalia to put up one of her own, Lawon, and Kalia bought it hook line and sinker.  It was seriously the dumbest move in Big Brother History, much like the other tribe giving Russell the immunity idol.

Some of the edits were out of order for sure.  Jeff and Jordan's talk with kalia in the HOH room was done after nominations so they knew Jeff was going up. even though CBS made it look like they didn't know for sure yet.

That's all I caught again, unreliable Internet makes it hard to keep up with everything, but I am back and soon you will have my Sunday Wednesday recap, I am putting both together, but there had been a lot happening in the house, so stay tuned.


  1. i'm glad you are back but enough about this show big brother and start blogging about what we all want to hear about - YOUR WEDDING!!! Also are you now Ms L or Mrs R???


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