Why is it always Daddy?
There is a meme that is making it's way around the internet it goes something like this"
I carried you for nine months
was in labour for hours
couldn't sleep properly for almost a year
and your first word is Dada.
I completely laugh cried when I saw this, because it's so true, and as those children get older it seems they are always asking for Daddy. Especially, my baby. I will admit though that my middle and oldest are momma's boys, just not in the bad can't function without me way, but they prefer mom, so why can't the little one just give me a little of that wanting?
Yesterday's blog mentioned how I was writing more and building my writing skills as well as my photography skills, so that's where this blog comes from.
Teddy and I were home alone, husband and Lil Man had gone out for the morning to husband's work and that left Teddy and I to hang out together. Oh the tantrum he threw when he had to stay home and have quality time with mom, yeah it really boosted my ego! Oh wait no, it didn't, so then I spent fifteen minutes trying to calm him down so we could have a quiet, fun morning.
We finally got out the door, because he realized I was saying "let's go to the park", really not sure what else I would have been saying, except "let's eat pork" maybe, don't know but we headed to the park after he cleaned up his colouring on my wall (!!!!!)
The morning progressed fine after that, we had fun, we played, we even cleaned a little, he is an eager beaver to help when it comes to cleaning.
Then I see this:
That is my son watching out the window for his daddy to come home! Yup doesn't matter how much fun he has with Mommy through the day or that mommy plans and does all these fun things, all that matters is I have got to watch out the window for Daddy to get home.
I love that he loves his daddy, but I wish the love didn't come at the cost of trampling my heart! I am sure I am over reacting, but honestly, isn't the reasons I had boys was so they could be momma's boys and I didn't have to deal with a daddy's girl??
*disclaimer* i am writing this in jest, I love my kids and I love that they love daddy and want him to be with them, my heart isn't trampled just my ego!! hahahahaha*
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