
Showing posts from October, 2009

Doctor's Appointment Update

Went to the Doctor yesterday for a prenatal check up. Nothing out of the ordinary. not really. My doctor and I discussed how I was feeling, had another internal exam (yucky), my blood pressure was taken, listened to the baby's heartbeat (137) and discussed an issue that came up with work and my due date. My doctor, who is my favourite person right now, is at a conference on my due date. This made me a little agitated, but well I wasn't too worried about it really. I would like my doctor to deliver my baby but if he can't he can't, c'est la vie. But he told me that they usually like to make a person go ten days overdue (this is unacceptable for me lol I don't want to wait that long) but, he said he thinks if I made it to my due date I could be induced on the following Monday. That would be November 2, 4 days after my due date. I got right on board with that! As for my work issue, I have been subpenaoed to court and court is on the 2, 3, and 4th of November. ...

Raspberry Tea Anyone

So I found some raspberry tea and brought it home to test the raspberry tea inducing suggestion.  So far nothing.  I may have had a contraction or two, but I don't really attribute that to the raspberry tea just to the fact that my due date is 8 DAYS AWAY!!! See this is my problem, I am impatient.  Completely impatient for waiting for things to happen.  If I want to induce my labour I want to do what they ask and then labour to begin within the hour.  I am aware that it does not work that way, but I really do want it to work that way.  So I have to do some extra research, because I have come to the realization that if some of this theories take some time to get started my labour could become very intense and not fun at all.  For anyone who has been induced with the drugs at the hospital can tell you that when hard labour comes on that quickly it is painful.  Pain and I do not get along so I am going to be forced to do some extra research so that the natural induction theories do no...

Inducing Labour Attempt Two

So in keeping with the documenting of labour induction I attempted to get this baby out again today. Yesterday's stretching of the membranes did not work. It was uncomfortable and a little painful but no contractions followed. So I have now gone to try the next item on my list. My list, by the way, is not written in any particular order, it's basically what is easiest that day. Today I tried spicy food. Today is a day I wish I were in California hanging out with Alex and her family because then I would have gotten some real spicy food. Alas, I am in Alberta where we do not get a lot of spicy food. I guess that might not be an accurate statement but there are not a lot of options for spicy food that i enjoy. My friend Tara came and picked me up and we went to the mall. Tara had to do some shopping and I had to do some walking around and looking for spicy Mexican food. Unfortunately, the only Mexican option was Taco Time. But some type of spicy food is better then nothin...

Starting the process to get this labour going

So today was officially my last day of work before I go on Maternity leave. I am very excited to be on Maternity leave. Work was getting stressful and I am so tired from not sleeping that I needed to leave. I had contemplated leaving six weeks earlier but I toughed it out and have made it to the end of my pregnancy. With my due date being 14 days away, I am now trying to induce labour early. I have been doing research (read looking on line) for ways to induce my labour. There are a few that everyone knows about and some that I had never heard of before. So from now on until this little child enters the world I shall be trying to induce labour. There were many suggestions online to induce labour. These suggestions included acupressure, nipple stimulation, sex, spicy food, raspberry tea, pineapple, and Castor oil. With my first pregnancy I tried Castor oil, four by fouring, and sex. None of these options worked then, the only thing that worked was contractions starting and...

Joining the trend

So over the past year many of my friends have started blogs. Mostly just to speak of their experiences in their life. Some speak of Motherhood, wedding planning or just other things that happen to them. I have had blogs in the past, on my myspace page and on my facebook page, so this will be my first attempt at a blog on a blog site. I enjoy checking my friend's blogs but with work and just wanting to watch television I admit I have not been the best reader of their blogs. That shall all change now, as I am about to go on Maternity leave for a year. I know I will be busy with raising a newborn and keeping my eldest in check, but I feel I will have some spare time on my hands. Time to put into a Hobby I love. I love to write and I love to share my thoughts on different events. Maybe have some discussions start on new topics or bring up new views on old ideas. If all goes as plan, starting next week, the Week starting October 19 my blog will be up and running. I would like to update ...