Doctor's Appointment Update
Went to the Doctor yesterday for a prenatal check up. Nothing out of the ordinary. not really. My doctor and I discussed how I was feeling, had another internal exam (yucky), my blood pressure was taken, listened to the baby's heartbeat (137) and discussed an issue that came up with work and my due date. My doctor, who is my favourite person right now, is at a conference on my due date. This made me a little agitated, but well I wasn't too worried about it really. I would like my doctor to deliver my baby but if he can't he can't, c'est la vie. But he told me that they usually like to make a person go ten days overdue (this is unacceptable for me lol I don't want to wait that long) but, he said he thinks if I made it to my due date I could be induced on the following Monday. That would be November 2, 4 days after my due date. I got right on board with that! As for my work issue, I have been subpenaoed to court and court is on the 2, 3, and 4th of November. ...