12 week Challenge: Food Prep/ Meal planning
The last time I was on a challenge like this, the meal plans were provided but I struggled with making substitutions because I didn't know what could work for a substitution and some of the meal suggestions were yucky, well not yucky but not to my taste. This time around we are working with macros, so we can eat the foods we like and build our meal plan that way, but we have to track our macros. Not our calories, but our macros. So this is a new thing for me, but I was able to go out and shop and now I have meal prepped for the week. I have a plan for suppers, I have my lunches, breakfasts and snacks packed and my SIX cups of free Veggies. SIX CUPS!! I like veggies, but I like veggies and dip and dip is not on the menu! I guess it could be if I watch the sugar content and let it count as a carbohydrate or fat whichever is higher on the nutrition label.... but that seems like a lot of work for so little reward. I've figured out my macros for the day will inc...