Truthful Tuesday: Regression and getting a foot hold again
I was really starting to feel like my old self. My husband and I were communicating, work was going well, I didn't feel burdened by outside pressures and things looked like they were coming into focus. I was able to start looking at my future and I was feeling confident, secure in the way it was heading. Was I where I wanted to be? Was the journey over? No, but that oppressive, I'm never going to get there feeling had shrunk into a quiet whisper in my head that I could watch say what it was saying and I was feeling detached, like it wasn't me, but some weird movie my head wanted to play and thought I should buy into. Then if you've been reading my other blogs, the Chapter blogs, you will have seen that we've been dealing with my youngest sons walking issues and haven't really known what has been causing it but we were chasing down all possibilities. When I was given his diagnosis, of CMT I thought my heart was going to break. Guilty thoughts washed ov...