Canada 150!!!
Don't let the frown fool you, he had a good time, he was just pretending to be sad. In fact he wanted my camera and because I wouldn't let him have it he decided to put out the big lip!! Canada is now 150 years old! That's a pretty significant event especially if you consider that our first 150 years have been fairly peaceful, there haven't been a lot of wars fought on Canadian soil or disputes about Canadian borders. I don't know if there are many countries in the world who can make that claim. Canada is celebrating our 150 in a variety of ways, free park passes, free library cards (thank you RDPL!!), big fireworks on Canada day, and many more. I am happy to partake in them all. Canada is a wonderful country and I am so happy to call this place home! I look forward to the next 50 years of Canada being a shining example of what the world should strive for, even if we forget parts of our country every now and then (I'm looking at you Mr. Prime Ministe...