Where did April Go....
Man I can't get out of this funk!! I've tried and in some areas of my life I am almost back to normal, but in so many areas I am unmotivated, I have absolutely no desire to get on board. I've looked at my computer every night after the kids have gone to bed and I'm like nope not today. I'm not a great at writing at night, yet that's the only time I really have to write. I'd love to get up before my family and do an hour of writing but that means I have to get up at 4.... and even then who knows if the kids would get up as well. I can't sneeze in the morning without hearing the baby call out, "Hi, Hi" repeatedly. And the thought of waking up at 4 am sends me into a mental exhaustion just having the thought. I like to sleep. But here is what I am promising myself to do. I am going to start May 1 and I am going to diarize my day. On this blog, so that means 7 days a week I will be blogging about my day, my boring, boring day. But it...